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Fill in your name and email in order to stay updated with the #CLOSErikers campaign.
Alyssa Aguilera @alyssaguilera
85% of ppl at Rikers have not been convicted – but are awaiting trial & too poor to make bail. #CloseRikers
4:43 pm · April 15, 2016
TexMex Herald @texmexepeak
#texmex Activists Launch #CLOSErikers Campaign to Close Rikers Island…
4:40 pm · April 15, 2016
Virginia Times @kavgoov1960
Activists Launch #CLOSErikers Campaign to Close Rikers Island…
4:40 pm · April 15, 2016
Wisconsin Daily Post @epeakwisconsin
Activists Launch #CLOSErikers Campaign to Close Rikers Island…
4:40 pm · April 15, 2016
San Diego Daily Post @sandiegopost
Activists Launch #CLOSErikers Campaign to Close Rikers Island…
Do you think it’s time to close Rikers?
Add your voice to the campaign by sending Mayor de Blasio a postcard. Upload a photo and write a message and share your thoughts about closing the jails. We will use your photo and message to create an actual postcard, delivered to Mayor de Blasio.
See examples below: